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Tips for webinar presenters.

13 Tips for Webinar Presenters: A Guide to Engaging Webinars

When presenting in a webinar, it's important to engage your audience by using visuals, interactive elements, and clear communication.

The Power of Webinar Presentations

In the world of virtual communication, webinars have emerged as a game-changer.

Webinars connect businesses, organizations, and individuals to connect with their audience in an engaging virtual environment. 

As a webinar presenter, you hold the key to unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge. Inspire your attendees to take action. 

Mastering webinar etiquette and best practices helps you conduct seamless and successful webinars.

Our comprehensive guide covers tips and strategies for presenters on all aspects of webinar presentations from planning to follow-up.

Use these tips to become a better webinar host, whether you’re new to it or have experience.

Learn how to successfully engage your audience and make your webinars unforgettable.

Embracing Your Role as a Webinar Presenter

As the face behind the screen during a webinar session, you play multiple roles:

  • Subject Matter Expert (SME): You need to be familiar with the topic at hand to answer questions confidently while providing valuable insights.
  • Master Facilitator: Your role is much more than information sharing. Keep the content flowing smoothly and encourage participation from attendees. Guide participants through the material with skill, manage your time wisely and quickly address any technical issues.
  • Engaging Dynamo: Actively engage with your audience by asking thought-provoking questions, encouraging participation, and promptly responding to comments.
  • 4 Essential Skills for a Successful Webinar Presenter

    As an expert webinar presenter, you possess a unique set of skills essential for delivering a captivating and impactful presentation. Let’s dive into these skills in detail:
    • The Power of Effective Communication: Communication lies at the heart of every successful webinar presentation. Practice strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
    • Technical Know-How of Webinar Tools: Have a solid understanding of the technical aspects involved in hosting webinars. Be familiar with various webinar platforms, troubleshooting common issues seamlessly. Use screen sharing or interactive polls for interactive engagement.
    • Presentation Techniques for Audience Engagement: Keep your audience engaged throughout the entire duration of the invested in your webinar by adding storytelling techniques and unique examples or case studies. Create visually appealing slides to support your message.
    • Time Management Expertise and Strategic Planning: Master time management during your presentations by planning ahead. Always outline or script your content. Ensure you cover all necessary points within the allocated timeframe while leaving room for questions or discussions.

    Delivering an Engaging Webinar Presentation

    A well-structured presentation keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.

    1. Craft an Organized, Engaging Presentation

    How can you connect with your audience?

  • Create a logical flow. Organize your presentation in a way that tells a coherent story and moves smoothly from one point to the next. Use transitions between key sections.
  • Hook the audience early on. Start strong to grab attention right away. Consider an intriguing question, statistic, or anecdote on your topic.
  • Focus on key takeaways. Don’t try to cover too much. Highlight the 3-5 most important points you want viewers to remember. Reinforce these.
  • Use striking visuals. Webinars are a visual medium. Slides with compelling images, charts, and graphics will boost engagement. Avoid text-heavy slides.
  • Add interactive elements. Get the audience involved with polls, Q&As, and live demos. These activities keep participants attentive and provide valuable feedback.
  • Practice your delivery. Rehearse your webinar with slides to polish your pacing, tone, and smooth transitions between concepts. Time yourself.
  • Check timing. Leave room for questions and interactive portions. A 45-60 minute webinar works best for most topics.
  • 2. Introduce Yourself Professionally

    Your introduction sets the tone for the webinar and builds your credibility. What does a strong intro include?

  • Welcome. Thank attendees for joining and express enthusiasm for the topic and having them attend.
  • Agenda overview. Give a quick rundown of the webinar sections and topics you’ll cover.
  • Speaker bio. In 1-2 sentences, highlight your expertise and background related to the subject. Keep it concise and relevant.
  • Company information (if relevant). Briefly share your role and key facts about the host organization. Keep branding subtle.
  • Housekeeping. Cover any key webinar features to highlight such as how to ask questions.
  • Transition to content. End your intro smoothly and transition into the meat of your presentation.
  • 3. Speak Slowly, Clearly and With Expression

    Your voice is a crucial means of keeping viewers engaged during a webinar. Follow these vocal best practices:

  • Pace yourself. Speak slowly and clearly to be easily understood. Pauses give participants time to digest information.
  • Enunciate and project. Articulate words fully and avoid mumbling. Project your voice to be heard through speakers.
  • Vary tone for emphasis. Use inflection and volume strategically to stress key points. A dynamic tone keeps interest piqued.
  • Show enthusiasm. Bring energy to your voice. Passion for the topic is contagious for the audience.
  • Avoid filler words. Reducing “um” and “ah” improves professionalism. Pauses work better for transitions.
  • Check audio quality. Make sure audio is clear without echoes or background noise on your end.
  • 4. Use Body Language That Aligns With Your Message

    Presenters on video should match their body language to their message for maximum impact:

  • Make frequent eye contact. Look into your webcam often to feel connected with participants. Don’t just read slides.
  • Limit distracting movements. Adjust your position infrequently. Shifting around is visually disruptive.
  • Use purposeful gestures. Reinforce key points with relevant hand movements and facial expressions. 
  • Sit up straight. Good posture projects confidence and engagement. Avoid slouching.
  • Lean into the camera for emphasis. Subtle forward movement during key moments helps reinforce your point.
  • Stay within the frame. Keep your full face visible within the webcam shot. Avoid cropping at the forehead or chin.
  • Have a consistent background. Pick a plain backdrop and keep it the same in every webinar. A professional background adds credibility.
  • 5. Engage Attendees With Questions

    Questions give participants an active role and provide feedback for you as the presenter:

  • Ask early questions to warm up the audience. Start with easier questions to get responses flowing. Offer quick polls or icebreakers.
  • Spread questions throughout the webinar. Insert 2-3 questions per 10-15 minutes. Leave room for wrapping up with Q&A.
  • Offer a mix of open and closed questions. Yes/no and multiple choice polls are good for quick feedback. Open questions provide more detailed responses.
  • Repeat or rephrase questions as needed. If participants seem confused or don’t respond, clarify the question.
  • Allow enough time for participants to respond. 10-20 seconds is usually sufficient for polls. Leave 30-60 seconds for open questions.
  • Acknowledge all responses neutrally. Thank everyone for participating without judgment of quality.
  • 6. Manage Live Q&A Smoothly and Efficiently

    The live Q&A allows participants to get direct answers. Manage it effectively with these tips:

  • Set Q&A guidelines upfront. Explain if questions should be held until the end or can be asked anytime in chat or unmute.
  • Repeat each question out loud before answering. This ensures all attendees hear the question.
  • Keep answers focused. Provide direct, concise responses tailored to the question asked. Don’t go off topic.
  • Modify unclear questions. It’s OK to rephrase convoluted questions for clarity before answering.
  • Defer questions if needed. If faced with a question you don’t know the answer to, let the asker know you’ll follow up with them after the webinar.
  • Don’t get dragged into arguments. Stay professional and neutral if questions feel hostile or combative. Move on swiftly if necessary.
  • Wrap up when time is up. If the webinar time is ending, let attendees know you need to wrap up even if hands are still raised.
  • 7. Appear Relaxed and Confident On Camera

    Appearing relaxed, comfortable, and confident on video keeps participants engaged and builds credibility:

  • Smile and make eye contact. A friendly expression and direct eye contact makes you seem approachable.
  • Avoid stiff or nervous body language. Keep movements fluid and natural. Shake out tension before going on camera.
  • Sit up straight. Good posture projects confidence without seeming tense.
  • Have a drink available. Take small sips of water if your mouth gets dry. Avoid noisy gulping sounds.
  • Breathe deeply. Slow steady breaths reduce stress and racing thoughts. Inhale before speaking if needed.
  • Channel your excitement. Think of your enthusiasm for the topic rather than any nerves about presenting. Passion is contagious.
  • Imagine you’re speaking to a friend. Envision a supportive, familiar face rather than an anonymous audience.
  • 8. Troubleshoot Minor Technical Issues Smoothly

    Despite thorough preparation, small tech issues may still pop up. Handle them with poise:

  • Have tech support’s contact handy. Keep the email/phone of your webinar tech assistance within reach. Don’t hesitate to contact them.
  • Take a deep breath. Acknowledge the issue calmly and remind attendees that technical glitches happen. Stay cool under pressure.
  • Narrate your actions to fix the problem. Let participants know step-by-step what you are doing to address the issue.
  • Apologize briefly. Offer a simple “sorry about that” and move on once resolved. Don’t dwell or get flustered.
  • Have backup slides/activities ready. Be prepared to go to a backup agenda if needed due to technical difficulties.
  • Take it offline. Ask the attendee with the problem to connect with you offline for complex individual issues.
  • Remain visibly unflappable. Keep your composure even if you are feeling anxious. Participants will follow your cue.
  • 9. Monitor Chat Questions and Participation

    Actively monitoring the chat and participation metrics ensures you respond at the right times:

  • Position chat where you can see it easily. Place the chat box near your webcam to make reading questions natural.
  • Scan for questions often. Check for new questions or comments every 2-3 minutes. Respond promptly.
  • Designate helpers to monitor the chat. Make co-hosts or assistants responsible for chat questions.
  • Review participation metrics after polls. Note the percentage of attendees responding. Follow up if it seems low.
  • Save time for written Q&A. Allow 5 dedicated minutes for chat questions at the end. Scroll up to address unanswered questions.
  • Acknowledge chat responses when possible. Give quick verbal or non-verbal recognition when participants write answers.
  • Keep responses concise. Provide short, focused answers in chat. For longer replies, address verbally or follow up later.
  • 10. Wrap Up with Key Takeaways and Next Steps

    Close out your webinar by summarizing key points covered and next steps for the audience:

    • Repeat the main takeaways. Remind viewers of your webinar content’s 3-5 most important points.
    • Provide resources for learning more. Share links, downloads, or other tools if attendees want to delve deeper.
    • Clarify the next steps. Explicitly tell participants your recommendation for what actions they should take after the webinar.
    • Promote future events or offers briefly. Mention upcoming webinars or offers tied to the topic without an overly salesy pitch.
    • Thank attendees again. Express gratitude for those who attended and their interest in the subject.
    • End punctually. Finish within the promised webinar time. Avoid cutting into the next hour unexpectedly.
    • Keep the webinar open briefly. Give participants 1-2 minutes after your presentation to view resources and connect.

    11. Follow Up After the Webinar

    The work doesn’t end when the webinar does. Follow up for maximum impact:

    • Send a thank you and follow-up email. Reiterate your appreciation and key takeaways in a prompt email to registrants. Include any promised resources.
    • Share the recording and slides if appropriate. Give access as promised to attendees who missed the live event.
    • Analyze webinar metrics and feedback. Review analytics and survey data to improve future webinars.
    • Respond to outstanding questions. Address any questions you couldn’t answer during the live event via email.
    • Reach out to high-value attendees. If desired, start a conversation with attendees who could be qualified leads.
    • Adjust future webinars based on feedback. Use attendee reactions and suggestions to enhance your ongoing webinar program.
    • Highlight webinar performance in reports. Quantify the webinar’s reach and engagement for stakeholders.

    12. Optimize the Presentation Experience

    Beyond your presentation skills, optimize the experience with these tips:

  • Start with an engaging webinar title and description. Use keywords attendees are searching for. Provide details on what the webinar will cover.
  • Build buzz with promotions. Get the word out by promoting through social media, email lists, and colleague networks.
  • Send reminder emails. Gently remind registered attendees 1-2 days prior and again the day of the event. Include a calendar invite and login instructions.
  • Open the webinar 15 minutes early. Allow participants to get settled with audio, video, and materials beforehand. Greet early arrivals.
  • Use an organized webinar dashboard. Enable clear controls for muting, chat, screen sharing, whiteboarding, and other features you plan to use.
  • Create well-designed visual slides. Craft slides with large text, relevant graphics and ample white space. Use slide themes consistently.
  • Test connectivity beforehand. Do a full webinar run-through on the platform to spot connection issues before going live.
  • Start right on time. Don’t make attendees who show up promptly wait. But don’t panic if some straggle in late. Carry on professionally.
  • 13. Select the Best Webinar Platform

    Choosing the right webinar software can make or break the presentation experience:

    • Evaluate essential features. Assess which platforms offer must-haves like screen sharing, recording, chat, Q&A, and polling.
    • Compare audience capacity. Make sure the platform can handle your expected number of live attendees. There’s often tiered pricing.
    • Check mobile functionality. Test attending from a mobile device if you expect viewers to use phones or tablets. Optimize for mobile if needed.
    • Review platform reputation. Search for reviews and use free trials to assess the platform’s reliability and ease of use.
    • Assess visual appeal. Compare how customizable, professional, and visually engaging each software’s webinar environment appears.
    • Confirm tech support options. Look for 24/7 tech troubleshooting via chat, email, and phone. You never know when you’ll need help.
    • Evaluate price and value. Weigh pricing tiers based on features offered and expected frequency of use. Don’t overpay for unnecessary bells and whistles.

    Presenting successful webinars takes practice and preparation. 

    Are you ready to take your webinar hosting skills to the next level? Master the art of the webinar. 

    By following these key tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a dynamic and engaging presenter who delivers real value to your audience.

    With the right mix of organization, visuals, engagement, and technical execution, you will create a webinar experience that your audience will crave. 

    Establish your authority, and generate more leads and results. 

    Remember, stay focused on your audience, refine your methods, and aim to turn each attendee into an active participant. 

    So, what are you waiting for? 

    Turn Lackluster Webinars into Show-Stopping Events with We & Goliath!

    Stop settling for lackluster webinar results. 

    Transform your virtual events into riveting experiences that inspire action with We & Goliath. 

    For over 20 years, we’ve helped clients captivate audiences, achieving up to 7X higher attendance. 

    Our passionate team of experts will craft a customized webinar strategy to engage participants, spark meaningful connections, and drive conversions. 

    Unleash the full potential of your webinars. 

    Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with our specialists and discover proven techniques to deliver your message powerfully. 

    Claim your free consultation now to learn how we can work together to create show-stopping webinars that exceed expectations and generate real impact for your business.

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